Hey! This is Tyler Mabie's Physical Portfolio.

Scroll down to see some of my work

Johnson and Johnson Scrub Innovation
April 15, 2019
For Johnson this year we all had to redesign scrubs in any way possible. I found many ways. First is the pocket design where they are custom inserts so that way they tailor to the nurses' specific needs and absolutely nothing will ever fall out of them. My model and I tried. Scroll through to read more.
Cybertron Lobby Redesign (Unfinished)
May 08, 2019
The current view of the lobby redesign at Cybertron InternationaL. I designed this whole area in 3D for work then they wanted to keep it and build it in real life.
Laser Cut Wood Lamp Shade
March 27, 2019
My main project wasn't server friendly for GoCreate so I used my back up plan. I used the Epilog machine to cut into wood in a certain way to make a living hinge lamp shade.
Wichita State Wood Keychain
February 25, 2019
My main idea wasn't going to work with the Epilog machine in GoCreate so I decided to think fast and create something simple. So I made a keychain.
Laser Cut Concept Car Design
February 19, 2019
A laser cut design that started out as a basic 3D model then, using UV mapping, I created a 2D image that the Epilog machine would laser cut. Then I pasted all the panels together to create the car.
Fully Customizable Bookshelf
March 15, 2019
Our task was to create a bookshelf. I decided to make mine with customizable shelves that you can change out to be whatever you want.
Hex Tiny Shooter Holder
January 29, 2019
A small shooter holder that I originally planned on being much bigger. Turns out the 3D printers in GoCreate can't print that large so I turned it into a tiny shooter holder instead. I used Fusion 360 and the MakerBot Replicator Pluses from GoCreate.
Maze Puzzle Box 3D Print
February 04, 2019
The task was to create a complex puzzle box so the most complicated thing I could think of was a puzzle. I created it using Fusion 360 and printed it at GoCreate.
Got Em Stickers
February 25, 2019
All we had to do was create a sticker but that sounded boring. I wanted to make a sticker that I could get some serious use out of.
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